Catalogo Ballancin First_Wardrobes_System

Il terminaledell’armadio diventa ele- mento di servizio alla zona ingresso per appendere i soprabiti e riporre le borse. Funzionaleebello . The end unit becomes a service element to the entrance area for hanging over coats and storing bags. Functional and beautiful. end uni t La zona ingresso si veste con la boiserie Stripe in frassino tinto Creta FT04, con le specchiere rotonde Form e la comoda libreria Random in frassino tinto Creta FT04 e laccato opaco Canapa OL14. The entrance area is dressed with the Stripe boiserie in Creta FT04 stained ash, with the Form round mirrors and the comfortable Random wall bookshelves in Creta FT04 stained ash and Canapa OL14 matt lacquer. Wardrobe #24 159 158 first wardrobes system