Catalogo Callesella At_home

54 Tanti accostamenti cromatici delicati colorano il comfort degli arredi Every Day. Abbinamenti classici come bianco e nero, legno e metallo, ritornano in nuove interpretazioni. 5DI¿QDWR R PLQLPDO" Ê VXI¿FLHQWH XQ GHWWDJOLR LQHGLWR D VYROWDUH LO JXVWR GL XQ DPELHQWH Many soft colour combinations paint the comfort of Every Day furniture. Classic combinations as black and white, wood and metal, lead to new interpretations. 5H¿QHG RU PLQLPDO" An original detail can simply change the room’s taste. INSPIRATION «« SECTION TWO »» EVERYDAY 55