Elmar Catalogo SKIN

that effortlessly communicate with all types of architecture and space. In particular, giving substance to the company’s potential and forty years of experience, C+S Architects designed @HOME SYSTEM and SKIN SYSTEM, two systems transforming the Italian lifestyle into a space full of exclusive and personalised solutions poised between tradition and innovation. In the collaboration with Carlo Cappai and Maria Alessandra Segantini, known for their particular sensitivity in the use of materials, technology and light, and attention to detail, with @HOME SYSTEM we shifted the focus from architecture to a system of spatial relations, designing and developing a new system that reinvents the home through a series of new relationships between the spaces. While @HOME SYSTEM (2014) was ten years ahead of current market trends, transforming the kitchen from a functional machine into a living space whose scope was extended to the entire home, creating the atmosphere and relations between the space and its occupants, SKIN SYSTEM is based on the same principles but focused on the human relationship, enhancing the experience of using the space through a sophisticated handle in either a vertical or horizontal version: an open structure that transforms the kitchen into a space all to be invented. Casa.elmar Milano, project by Palomba Serafini ____ Casa.elmar Milano, project by Palomba Serafini. 9 8 .elmar .elmar every end point is a new beginning