Catalogo infiniti Almost Icons 2019

30° 30° 40° 60° 30° 30° 40° 60° 30° 40° 60° 30° 30° 30° 30° 30° 30° 40° 60° 30° 30° 60° 30° PATINA CAMIRA PT01 PT15 PT30 PT02 PT16 PT31 PT03 PT17 PT32 PT06 PT20 PT04 PT18 PT33 PT05 PT19 PT34 PT14 PT29 PT06 PT21 PT07 PT22 PT08 PT23 PT11 PT26 PT10 PT25 PT09 PT24 PT13 PT28 PT12 PT27 Designer: Finn Sködt Composition: 69% Wool, 22% Flax, 8% Polyamide, 1% Viscose Width: 140 cm Selvedge: Weight: 330 g/mtl Light resistance: 5 (ISO 105-B02) Abrasion: 100000 Martindale Colour: there may be slight differences. The light colours may contain dark fibres. The environment: Certified to the EU Ecolabel Fireproof test EN 1021 - 1 EN 1021 - 2 BS 7176 Low Hazard BS 5852 Ignition Source 5 BS 7176 Medium Hazard ÖNORM B 3825 & A 3800-1 UNI 9175 Classe 1 IM BS 5867-2: Type B PT35 PT40 PT36 PT41 PT37 PT42 PT38 PT43 PT39 Infiniti si riserva il diritto di cambiare o migliorare tecnicamente design e specifiche di ogni suo prodotto in qualsiasi momento e a sua discrezione senza darne preventiva notizia. Infiniti reserves the right to change or technically improve the design and specifications of any of its products at any time and at its discretion without notice. FLASH NO-SHRINK FL111 FL101 FL100 FL400 FL408 FL402 FL707 FL700 FL705 FL804 FL810 FL800 FL807 FL710 FL001 FL005 FL003 FL004 FL002 FL900 FL501 FL500 FL301 FL305 FL300 FL310 FL403 FL409 FL405 FL600 FL601 FL602 FL407 FL200 Composition: 100%PP Totalwidth: 140cm (UNIEN 1773) Weightper linearmeter:450g/LM (±4%) Weightper squaremeter:320g/m 2 (±4%) (UNI5114) (“Martindale”)Abrasion resistance.Rubs:70000Endpoint (ISO 12947-2) Pilling resistance:5 (ISO 12945-2) Tensile strength:Length 1398,87 -Width 1091,41 (ISO 13934-1) Maximumelongation:Length48,23% -26,33%Width (ISO 13934-1) Seam slippage (6mm):Length>200 -Width>200 (ISO 13936-1) Colour fastness rubbing (dry): stainingCO4/5 (ISO 105-X12) Colour fastness rubbing (wet): stainingCO4/5 (ISO 105-X12) Colour fastnessartificial light.Colourchange: light5,medium4,dark5 (ISO 105B02) NO-SHRINK SIMBOLOGIA - SYMBOLS Non lavare. Do not wash. Lavare a mano alla temperatura massima indicata. Hand wash at max temperature indicated. Ignifugo. Fireproof. Non candeggiare. Do not bleach. Lavare a secco con i solventi abituali, a base di percloroetilene, di solvente R113 e di idrocarbonio (ma senza tricloroetilene). Dry clean with usual solvents, based on perchloroethylene, solvent R113 and hydrocarbon (no trichloroethylene). Stirare con il ferro da stiro. I punti al centro del simbolo indicano la temperatura: Un punto Stirare a ferro freddo (110°): acrilico, nylon, acetato. Due punti Stirare a ferro caldo (150°): poliestere, lana. Tre punti Stirare a ferro molto caldo (200°): cotone, lino. Iron. The dots in the centre of the symbol indicate the temperature: One dot: iron cold (110°): acrylic, nylon, acetate. Two dots: iron warm (150°): polyester, wool. Three dots: iron hot (200°): cotton, linen. Non utilizzare l’asciugatrice. Do not tumble dry. 79 78