Catalogo Mobilegno Time

19 8Q FDUDWWHUH HOHJDQWH H DQWLFRQYHQ]LRQDOH UDI - ¿QDWR H DO WHPSR VWHVVR LQIRUPDOH ,O FDORUH GHO OHJQR 5RYHUH q LQ JUDGR GL FUHDUH DWPRVIHUH soft, di forte impatto emotivo. This kitchen has an elegant non-conventional character that is sophisticated and informal at the same time. Oak lends a warm touch and creates cosy environments with a strong emo- tional impact. Un caractère élégant et anti-conventionnel, UDI¿Qp HW HQ PrPH WHPSV LQIRUPHO /D FKDOHXU du bois Chêne rouvre est en mesure de créer des atmosphères soft, de grand impact émotif.