Catalogo Mobilegno Time

7 0 05 7LPH q Oa cXcLQa cKH PHgOLo VL aGatta aOOH HVLgHQ]H GL cKL Oa YLYH 8Qa cXcLQa SHr tXttL traLt G¶XQLoQ Ira LO cOaVVLco H LO PoGHrQo SL raIfiQato (OHgaQtH H OHggHra O¶HVtHtLca GHOOH coOoQQH GoYH LO tortora GHcaSq VL aOtHrQa aO YHtro VatLQato A T ime kitchen beautifully adapts to your requirements. T his is a kitchen that suits all tastes and combines the traditio- nal and the modern in a sophisticated way. I n the photo: tall units in pickled dove grey with frosted glass fronts. T ime est la cuisine qui s’ adapte le mieux aux ex igences de ceux qui la vivent. U ne cuisine pour tous, trait d’ union entre le clas- sique et Oe PodeUne Oe SOus UaIfinp /¶asSeFt esthptique de Oa colonne est élégant et léger et le tourterelle décapé s’ alterne au verre satiné.