Catalogo Nidi KIDS_2019
Chi vive qui? Cristiano e Lucia. Who lives here? Cristiano and Lucia. SPACE 20 11 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 8 10 1. ponte battente / hinged door bridging unit 2. armadio battente / hinged door wardrobe 6. sedie / chairs Leaf 7. lavagna riscrivibile / rewritable whiteboard Graphic 8. cassapanca imbottita / padded chest Pank 3. libreria / bookcase Holly 4. pannello / panel + sistema / system Spider 5. scrittoio sagomato / shaped desk 9. tappeto / rug Stars beige 10 . pouf / floor cushion Clip 11. letti / beds Regoli Dimensioni stanza Room dimensions in cm 387 x 470 200 61 245 183 203 100 5 Sammy T247 Sammy T253 Lecter T310 Griff T393 graphic nuvola ciliegia zenzero denim legno naturale mandorlo 1 8 2 — 1 8 3 N I D I D E S I G N S P A C E F O R C H I L D R E N S P A C E 2 0 P O N T I / B R I D G I N G U N I T S
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