Catalogo Orme light-day-2020

Finiture ⁄ Finishes Materico Rovere, melaminico Tortora, Dekor Bronzo ⁄ Rovere wood melamine, Tortora melamine and dekor Bronzo Elementi ⁄ Elements Basi sospese con apertura Push–Pull H 276 P 474 mm, consolle sp. 50 P 480 mm, pensili vetro Geny L 1200 H 552 P 346 mm con vetro trasparente serigrafato Rigato, pannelli a muro, mensole sp. 50 P 250 mm ⁄ Wall mounted base units with Push–Pull opening system H 276 D 474 mm, Consolle th. 50 mm D 480 mm, Wall units with Geny glass door L 1200 H 552 D 346 mm with Rigato silk-screened transparent glass, wall panels, shelves th. 50 mm D 250 mm Dimensioni ⁄ Dimensions L 3600 × H 1600 P ⁄ D 250-365-480mm [ i t ] Linearità e trasparenza caratterizzano l’ambiente moderno del quotidiano, giochi di pieni e vuoti creano soluzioni uniche e personalizzate. [e n] Linearity and transparency characterize the modern environment of everyday life, games of full and empty create unique and customized solutions. 4 Day 01 5