Catalogo Orme light-night-2020

Informazioni tecniche armadi ⁄ Wardrobe technical informations Light Collection 298 299 Informazioni tecniche armadi ⁄ Wardrobe technical informations Aperture battenti e scorrevol i ⁄ Hinged and sl iding door openings 300 › 305 Manigl ie ⁄ Handles 306 › 307 Attrezzatura interna ⁄ Internal equipment 308 › 309 Divisioni interne armadi battenti ⁄ Hinged door wardrobe internal divisions 310 › 311 Divisioni interne armadi scorrevol i ⁄ Sl iding door wardrobe internal divisions 312 › 313 Finiture e Colori ⁄ Finishes and Colours 314 › 319