Laze Bold geometrics distinguish this seating collection, consisting of a lounge chair, rocking chair, and dining chair with and without armrests, as well as a comfortable footrest. Its wide, enveloping shell is an invitation to relax, while soft filaments support the body and accommodate the comfortable seat and back cushions, which can be arranged as desired. Geometrie di grande carattere per una collezione di sedute composta da poltrona, poltrona a dondolo, sedia da pranzo con e senza braccioli, oltre a un comodo poggiapiedi. Una scocca larga e avvolgente invita al riposo, mentre i morbidi filamenti sostengono il corpo e accolgono i confortevoli cuscini, di seduta e schienale, che ne completano all’occorrenza la composizione. Designed by GORDON GUILLAUMIER Details p.391 Laze LAZE 049 chair and 059 armchair. Finishes: structure SMOKE, cord TOBACCO. Cushions: SHORE S33 Rust. Products match: PLEIN AIR 006 table. Finishes: structure SMOKE, top gres LEAD. Back to index 140 141