Catalogo Treku magazine

T RE K U M A G A Z IN E O f wh a l e s a nd f u rn i t u re 10 11 Pollarding was a forestry technique used in the shipping industry to alter the growth of trees in order to get the most out of the wood. The bathing huts on Zarautz beach - its trademark of the first half of the XX century. ArchivoGeneraldeGipuzkoa,GipuzkoakoAgiritegiOrokorra,OA6638 Long fishing boats and towing boats designed in Zarautz and used between the XVIII and XIX centuries. ©FundaciónOceanográficadeGuipúzcoa-AquariumdeDonostia-SanSebastián Treku founder Jesús Aldabaldetrecu with his wife Jesusa. One of the company’s delivery vans from the 60’s. Pieces of furniture pieces from the Viuda de Arruti. ViudadeArruti,Zarautz (Gipuzkoa):Fábricademueblesdelujo.Obraoriginalperteneciente a los fondosbibliográficosde laFundaciónSanchoelSabio (Vitoria-Gasteiz).