Catalogo Tumidei tiramolla

DESCRIZIONE TECNICA / TECHNICAL DATA C O N F I G U R AT I O N 316 N3 Olmo Calce NB Bianco 73 Verde Jungla 69 Mustard Yellow T165 WD 412 Decor 39 Bianco Alluminio /Aluminium INGOMBRI / DIMENSIONS FINITURE / FINISHES 181 cm 5’11 1/4” 186,2 cm 6’1 1/4” 173,5 cm 5’8 1/4” 150 cm 4’ 11” 213 cm 6’11 3/4” 141,2 cm 4’7 1/2” 261 cm 8’6 3/4” Q.TA Q.TY CODICE CODE A / H L / W P / D DESCRIZIONE / DESCRIPTION 1 B100 181,0 41,6 56,8 Colonna armadio 1 anta / Column wardrobe 1 door 1 B114 201,0 41,6 56,8 Colonna armadio 1 anta / Column wardrobe 1 door 1 B134 221,0 41,6 56,8 Colonna armadio 1 anta / Column wardrobe 1 door 1 B134 241,0 41,6 56,8 Colonna armadio 1 anta / Column wardrobe 1 door 1 B206 69,0 85,6 56,8 Colonna armadio 4 cassetti / Column wardrobe with 4 drawers 1 CSL05 34,0 52,3 43,7 Comodino a terra con 2 cassetti / Floor night table with 2 drawers 1 CSL06 34,0 81,5 43,7 Comodino a terra con 2 cassetti / Floor night table with 2 drawers 1 E187A 207,0 233,4 33,4 Libreria con sistema a tubo quadro / Bookcase with square tube system 2 EZ21 1,4 1,4 14,5 Reggimensola a scomparsa con foratura / Concealed bracket for shelf with drilling 3 EZ41 38,4 3,0 31,6 Supporto metallico per 1 mensola / Metal support for 1 shelf 4 EZ43 106,0 3,0 31,6 Supporto metallico per 3 mensole / Metal support for 3 shelves 2 FN42 69,0 3,2 59,0 Fianco finale SYSTEM 32 / End side SYSTEM 32 1 FN46 181,0 3,2 59,0 Fianco SYSTEM 32 / SYSTEM 32 Side 1 FN48 241,0 3,2 59,0 Fianco SYSTEM 32 / SYSTEM 32 Side 1 FN57 201,0 2,5 56,8 Divisore intermedio / Intermediate partition 1 FN57 221,0 2,5 56,8 Divisore intermedio / Intermediate partition 1 FN58 241,0 2,5 56,8 Divisore intermedio / Intermediate Partition 3 GH63 69,0 5,0 5,0 Tubo quadro 5x5 cm con piastra e piede per sostegno piani / Floor square tube 5x5 cm with plate and foot for tops support 1 GT94 42,2 8,0 8,0 Tubo quadro 8x8 cm intermedio per piani non complanari / Intermediate square tube 8x8 cm for non-coplanar tops 3 KBR02 2,8 87,0 33,4 Mensola lineare / Linear shelf 3 KBR03 2,8 130,0 33,4 Mensola lineare / Linear shelf 1 KBR03 2,8 160,0 33,4 Mensola lineare / Linear shelf 1 LS03V 41,5 131,0 2,0 Pannello di chiusura verticale per soppalco / Vertical closing panel for mezzanine 1 LS03V 136,5 131,0 2,0 Pannello di chiusura verticale per soppalco / Vertical closing panel for mezzanine 2 LS60 136,5 65,5 2,0 Pannello di chiusura laterale soppalco / Closing side panel for mezzanine 1 LSA06 181,5 55,0 2,0 Pannello di chiusura laterale soppalco / Closing side panel for mezzanine 1 LSA06 181,5 81,0 2,0 Pannello di chiusura laterale soppalco / Closing side panel for mezzanine 2 LSA07 181,5 97,0 2,0 Pannello di chiusura laterale soppalco / Closing side panel for mezzanine 1 LSA46 177,1 81,0 2,0 Ante a soffietto per chiusura vano sotto soppalco / Accordion doors to close under mezzanine area 1 MG76 33,3 105,0 2,0 Anta scorrevole con guida / Sliding door with rail 1 MGS4 0,1 0,1 0,1 Costo fisso di progettazione taglio per mansarda / Fixed cost for slanting cut design 3 MGS7 2,8 6,0 6,0 Maggiorazione per sagomatura a spigolo vivo non bordato / Supplement for sharp corner shaping with no edge 1 MGT1 181,5 55,0 2,0 Maggiorazione per scasso su pannello di chiusura o anta / Supplements for carving on closing panel or door 1 MGT1 181,5 81,0 2,0 Maggiorazione per scasso su pannello di chiusura o anta / Supplements for carving on closing panel or door 2 MGT4 181,5 97,0 2,0 Maggiorazione per livellatori e predisposizione per unione pannelli / Supplement for level adjuster and set up for panels joining 4 MGT50 0,1 0,1 0,1 Maggiorazione 1 taglio obliquo per mansarda su ante battenti / Supplement for 1 slanting cut for mansard on hinged doors 1 MJB905 4,0 220,0 180,0 Piano sagomato sp.4 cm COMPO 905 / Shaped top th. 4 cm COMPO 905 1 PR32 75,0 100,0 2,0 Protezione in metallo per soppalco / Metal protection for mezzanine 1 PR35 50,0 100,0 2,0 Rivestimento in tessuto con tasche per protezione PR31 e PR32 / Covering in fabric with pockets for protections PR31 and PR32 4 PX09 5,2 19,4 0,2 Maniglia ad incasso rettangolare con presa / Recessed rectangular handle with grip 2 PX25LL 4,0 8,0 0,2 Maniglia ad incasso rettangolare con fondo e bordo laccato / Recessed rectangular handle with lacquered back and edge 5 PX28LL 4,0 80,0 0,2 Maniglia ad incasso rettangolare con fondo e bordo laccato / Recessed rectangular handle with lacquered back and edge 1 S158A 186,2 213,0 100,0 Sistema trafila per soppalco / Profiles system for mezzanine 1 S158B 141,2 150,0 84,5 Sistema trafila per soppalco / Profiles system for mezzanine 1 SC70 190,2 109,4 68,8 Scala a ventaglio per soppalco H.141.2 cm / Fan-shaped stair for mezzanine H.141.2 cm 1 SE72 90,5 65,0 65,0 Sedia con ruote e regolabile in altezza con scocca in legno e basamento in metallo / Chair on castors adjustable in height with wooden structure and metal base 1 SE79 90,5 65,0 65,0 Seduta imbottita sfoderabile per SE72 e SE76 / Upholstered and removable seat for SE72 and SE76 1 TE12 70,0 98,0 10,0 Testata imbottita sfoderabile / Upholstered and removable headboard 1 UV99 100,0 176,7 0,1 Stampa digitale su pannello con immagine archivio Tumidei o cliente / Digital print on panel with image from Tumidei’ library or from customer 1 VS01 20,0 74,0 20,5 Mensola T-BOX L 74 cm / T-BOX shelf W 74 cm 3 VS24 20,0 43,5 20,5 Mensola T-BOX L 43.5 cm / T-BOX shelf W 43.5 cm 220 cm 7’2 1/2” 59 cm 1’11 1/4” 180,3 cm 5’ 11” 233,4 cm 7’ 8” 207 cm 6’9 1/2” 145 144